Is CBD Oil Legal In My State

There is a lot of talk these days about the different benefits of cannabis. Look around this site and you’ll see many pages we’ve written about all the various reasons why people are taking it, whether it be to help with anxiety, sleep problems, aches and pains, or other reasons.

Another hot topic is the legality of cannabis. If you are a US resident, you may be wondering if CBD oil is legal where you are. Continue reading below where we’ll discuss the legality so you know the law no matter where in the US you reside.

Does My State Allow CBD Oil?

The medical marijuana industry had a big year in 2016 with a record number of states passing legislation that allowed recreational and medical marijuana. As it stands currently, 25 states have laws that allow marijuana for recreational or medical use. Aside from that, public opinions are shifting towards more and more legalization across the board. It is still not legal in all states, and legislation differs from state to state where it is allowed, but it’s clear that things are changing towards more legalization.

That is all regarding medical or recreational marijuana and more provided as an introduction on the movement of the cannabis industry. To answer the question posed for this article, the answer is a universal “Yes!” for all 50 states when it comes to CBD oil. CBD oil is legal in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Cannabinoid oil

You may be asking why we split our answer up into those two different explanations. The difference between marijuana and CBD oil is vast. While both come from the cannabis plant, marijuana oil is extracted from the marijuana variety which is very high in THC, while CBD oil is extracted from the hemp variety of the cannabis plant, which is very low in THC.

As you may know, THC is the part of the plant that causes the psychoactive effects that you feel, such as getting “high”. As CBD oil contains only trace amount of THC, it does not lead to a cerebral high and instead only provides the user the homeopathic benefits such as pain relief, help with sleeping problems, and other alleviations.

To sum things up – if you’re looking for medical or recreational marijuana, then you’ll have to look up your state specifically to find their stance on it. It differs from state to state as to whether it is legal or not, and within that there are many different laws between each of the states. If you are wondering about CBD oil, then it is a resounding yes, no matter which of the 50 states you live in, CBD oil is legal.

Now that you know that you are in the clear regardless of where you live, we recommend browsing around the site where we talk about CBD oil in more detail. There are many great sellers out there, lots of ways of ingesting it, and something for everybody in this industry that will cure what ails you.

The post Is CBD Oil Legal In My State appeared first on Buddica Life.



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