CBD Use and Pregnancy

Can I Use CBD Oil During My Pregnant?


When a woman is pregnant, she will receive advice from just about everyone on what kinds of things she should or shouldn’t be doing in order to keep their growing baby healthy. They’ll hear advice from doctors that should be taken to heart, as well as everyone’s opinion on their own home remedies that they think are “tried and true”, regardless of whether they are correct or not.

While everybody is entitled their opinions, at the end of the day it is the woman’s pregnancy and her responsibility to ensure the health and wellness of her child. Everything that goes inside a woman will have a trickle-down effect on the baby’s health, for better or worse.

One topic that has come up is whether or not the consumption of CBD is safe when pregnant. We’ll explore that topic below.

Is CBD Oil Safe for Pregnant Women?

In a simple answer, yes, CBD can be used by women when they are pregnant. In fact, it can be a huge help for expecting mothers during prenatal care. When a woman is pregnant, she will most likely experience morning sickness, swollen joints, aches and pains, swollen breasts and other discomfort. These are some of the symptoms that many CBD oil user are currently ingesting CBD for, so it goes hand in hand with alleviating these symptoms for pregnant women.

This is contrary to the use of marijuana when pregnant. Under no circumstances should marijuana (or alcohol or other illicit drugs) should be used when expecting. Doing so can have very harmful effects on the baby. Marijuana contains high levels of THC, of which the chemical effects can affect the health of the baby. This is also true post-birth when breast-feeding.

CBD For Morning sicknessBecause CBD oil has minute traces of THC in it, it is considered a safer choice that is free of the harmful compounds that can be transmitted from the mother to the child. In fact, many women have been using cannabis for centuries to help relieve the symptoms and pain that comes with pregnancy. This includes body aches, depression, nausea and vomiting.

While it is a safer alternative, it is of utmost importance that you ensure that the CBD oil you are using does not contain a high level of THC, or else you risk the health and wellness of the unborn baby. When looking for a CBD oil to use when pregnant, find one that strikes a balance of protecting against adverse effects on the child, while at the same time being formulated to cure the associated symptoms of pregnancy that you are experiencing.

If you are going through pain and sleeplessness due to pregnancy, you may go ahead and use CBD to help with these discomforts, however, as stated above, just be sure to closely examine the content of the CBD oil to make sure that you are taking one that is safe for you and the child. We recommend that you consult with your doctor prior to taking any substances just to be sure.

The post CBD Use and Pregnancy appeared first on Buddica Life.

source http://buddicalife.com/cbd-use-and-pregnancy/


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