Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are natural compounds which are found in the cannabis plant. The chemical composition of the elements may be similar but THC has psychoactive effect while CBD does not. This and many other differences give rise to the mislabeling of THC as a wrong cannabinoid and the CBD as a safe Cannabinoid. This is somehow intertwined but in this article, we would explain the difference between CBD and THC.

There are lots of people that when they think of marijuana, they will only consider the psychoactive effects of using it. Although this might not be wrong entirely, and it is mostly used for its mind-altering effects, however there is need for them to know that it has other chemicals that sometimes cause different effects.

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CBD and THC are the most popular cannabinoids which form a group of chemical compounds that are produced naturally by cannabis plant. Both of them are in the form of crystalline resinous trichomes which cover the mature cannabis flower, and they are the cannabinoids that are found abundantly in marijuana. However, each strain produces various amounts of compounds. They also have the same chemical formula but there is difference in the arrangement of their atoms. They likewise have different effects on our body because they interact differently with our endocannabinoid system.

Just like other cannabinoids, CBD and THC needed to be heated in order to convert the cannabinoid acid to the active cannabinoid. When THC is used in conjunction with CBD, it helps to reduce the psychoactivity and other side effects which people consider undesirable. The two compounds also have an impressive way by which they support the human body.

Although it does not alter your state of mind but THC is said to help with some ailments such as cancer and tumor growth. This may be the reason why it is used in some of the states in America. Apart from the benefit earlier mentioned, there are other benefits that THC has and CBD doesn’t. For example, THC can be used to aid sleeping while CBD may have an effect which is exactly opposite. This are some of the reasons why THC gets more attention in the whole world when people are discussing about marijuana, however for some users CBD might offer more advantage.


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Although there are various kinds of studies and research which are performed about the way CBD work in the body, it is not entirely clear yet. What scientist have been able to deduce is that CBD is similar to THC because it causes a various effects in our body by their interaction with the endocannabinoid system which includes two major types of cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2). CB1 receptors can be found majorly around the brain and they play an important role in functions like mood, memory, appetites and pain sensation. The CB2 receptors are mostly found in the immune system and are responsible for the anti-inflammatory effects of marijuana.

Endocannabinoids typically activates the CB1 and CB2 receptors, and the main endocannabinoids that are found in our body include arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG) and anadamide.

THC imitates the effect of the body’s endocannabinoids by activating the CB1 and CB2 receptors. However, unlike THC, CBD does not act directly on the cannabinoid receptors; rather it works indirectly on cannabinoid receptors and thereby boosting the level of endocannabinoid in the body. CBD can likewise stimulate the release of endocannabinoids, and also interfere with their natural breakdown.


CBD and THC together
THC stimulates the cells to release the substance called dopamine when it penetrates the brain, and also activate the cannabinoid receptor which affect the brain in different ways. Initially, the person may feel relaxed and also have mellow feeling, the eye may dilate and other senses will be enhanced. Other effects which have been reported include a mixture of emotions like elation and happiness, anxiety and unease, relaxation and pain relief.

THC will likewise change the way of thinking, the memory and the perception of time. It can also cause hallucinations and delusions, and the effect starts after 10 to 30 minutes after THC consumption.

The post CBD THC Oil appeared first on Buddica Life.

source http://buddicalife.com/cbd-thc-oil/


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