CBD Oil Vape Pen


There are a lot of ways to accomplish the same task – as they say, “there’s more than one way to skin a cat”. We talk all about CBD oil on this site and reach a wide variety of users who are using different ways to ingest their CBD oil. Some are taking it in pill form, as an edible, a sublingual spray, smoking a joint, etc.

One of the most popular ways is through vaping. Many of our readers prefer to vape their CBD oils, and for good reason. In this article, we’ll talk about the benefits and effects of vaping your CBD oil versus ingesting it or consuming it through other methods.

Why Should You Vape CBD Oil?

Best vape pen for oil
One of the main reasons why vaping is considered better than ingesting CBD oil is because of bioavailability. What that means is the percentage of the CBD actually reaches your systemic circulation and produces its effects on the body. With the different methods of taking in CBD, there are different rates of bioavailability.

When consuming or ingesting CBD orally, only about 15 percent of it will reach the bloodstream. If you, for instance, took 100 milligrams of CBD by eating it, only about 15 milligrams of that will reach your bloodstream and produce effects. There are a few reasons why this happens, but what it basically boils down to is all the different organs that it has to pass through to reach your systemic circulation. It has to pass through your esophagus, to your stomach, and then to the liver before it reaches your circulation, and much is lost along the way due to the enzymes it interacts with.

By vaping your CBD oil, you bypass many of these enzymes and end up with a higher concentration reaching the bloodstream. It first passes through your lungs, instead of your gut and liver. This avoids interaction with those enzymes altogether and can result in almost four times as much CBD to get to your bloodstream and as high as 50-60% bioavailability (as opposed to 15% when orally consumed).

When using a vaporizer for your CBD oil, you can get the same effects while using a much smaller dosage than when taking it via another delivery method. In addition, the amount of time it takes to feel the effects is much less. Since you don’t have to wait for it to run its course through the gut and liver to enter your circulation, the effects are felt much sooner (as much as a half hour to an hour faster).

Best Vape Pen
You can see why this is a popular delivery choice among many users of CBD oil. Not only do you feel the effects of the CBD oil much sooner, and alleviate your symptoms much quicker, you can also do so by taking a smaller dose. You’re saving yourself time and money, which is always a good thing. If you haven’t tried this method before, we recommend searching around for different vaping devices, as well as different oils recommended for those devices, and find the combination that will best suit your needs.

The post CBD Oil Vape Pen appeared first on Buddica Life.

source http://buddicalife.com/cbd-oil-vape-pen/


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